One of my 2020 goals is to write more momlife related blog posts! It’s my other passion in life besides makeup and I would love to encourage and help other mamas out with the knowledge I’ve gained so far. And I don’t know where I would be if I wasn’t able to lean onto other mamas that helped me along the way whether in-person or online.
Does Amazon count? Because Amason has also helped me along the way in more ways than my bank account cares to admit.
AND we’re about to do it all over again because we’re expecting babe #2 in May!!! We are so thrilled and can’t wait to welcome another sweet babe into our family and hearts.
So since I’m going through pregnancy all over again, I thought it would be fun to put together some pregnancy content. As much as the internet can be TMI or overwhelming with how much information you really can access, I would be lying if I said it didn’t help me loads while I was pregnant and navigating those first few months with a newborn.
I always think back and wonder what my Google search history looked like at 2am when I was sleep-deprived. I was probably worrying over something so random like newborn poop color or comparing the top-rated booger pickers on Amazon.
The searches were deep and real my friends and I’m not ashamed!
The sheer amount of new information you learn in those first few months is actually mind-blowing. Of course, I’m not saying I know it all….far from it…but I feel a little more confident the second time around.
The beauty of getting to do pregnancy over again (other than the cute baby you get at the end of it!) is getting to see what you actually used. I feel more prepared and ready for the pregnancy stages to come than I did the last time. I saved almost everything from the last pregnancy knowing we wanted more kids so it’s nice to use what I already have too.
If you are a frequent Creativity Jar reader, you already know about my love for Amazon. It is seriously the way to go with pregnancy essentials. No one wants to be trekking from store to store and maternity section to maternity section to try and find things you don’t even know you need?
So I’m putting together a list separated by trimester of Amazon pregnancy essentials based on what I used last pregnancy and what I continue to use this time around too. This post will be first trimester Amazon pregnancy essentials.
Each trimester comes with a whole pile of symptoms and changes. Things you need in the first trimester might be short lived once symptoms go away. And then there will be other things you won’t need until you are further along.
These first trimester Amazon pregnancy essentials aren’t things like maternity clothes or baby things. These are essentials MAMA will need outside of the obvious like maternity clothing. Things you may not think about if you are a first-time mama or great hacks and finds for anyone pregnant or thinking about it soon!
So let’s jump into these first trimester Amazon pregnancy essentials and I will add some notes for each about why these are so great.
// Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Relaxation Collection
I highly recommend a belly butter or lotion especially if you are first-time mama wanting to avoid stretch marks. I used it right after I got out of the shower on my belly (duh). Also use it on other areas that are prone to get stretch marks like hips, upper thighs, booty and boobs. Just slather it everywhere and hope for the best! At the end of the day, stretch marks may be inevitable no matter what preventative measures you take. But rest assured they are so worth it and a sign of what your body is capable of 🙂
// Bio Oil
As if a belly butter wasn’t enough, I also used a body oil on top. Girl, I was dedicated. I used it everywhere I put the belly butter as a second layer. I heard so many great things about Bio Oil for stretch marks so started using it along with a belly butter right after I found out I was pregnant with baby #1. And I will say I got minimal stretch marks on the very bottom of my belly.
I’m not going as hard with the belly butter and Bio Oil this time around just because my belly has already stretched out once so figured it’s not as crucial to use every time now but I’m still using them a few times a week.
// Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins
Stock up on some prenatal vitamins and these gummies are great! I take mine at night because they tend to upset my stomach so may be worth trying especially if you are dealing with morning sickness too.
// Baby Book
One of those things I wish I would have had during pregnancy instead of after my baby came. This is the exact one I have for my son and absolutely love it but there are plenty of great options to choose from. This one had pages that I could have filled out prior to baby that were pregnancy, family history or wedding related. I recommend getting one and working on it before baby comes when you have more time if that’s something you want to keep up with!
// Time Marker Water Bottle
Water is your best friend and if you are like me, you tend to forget to drink it. Water is my go-to beverage of choice but I just tend to forget to drink it during the day outside of mealtime. I love this water bottle because it has time markers to keep you on track for getting in the recommended ounces you need each day! That way you aren’t chugging a ton before bed to make up for it then getting up 8 times to pee during the night (instead of your usual 3 thanks to pregnancy ha!)
// Preggie Pop Drops
Count yourself lucky if you don’t have morning sickness! I was fortunately one of those the first time around but wasn’t so lucky with #2. I didn’t have it as bad as some mama friends I know but when it hits you, it can be debilitating. These are mama-favorites for a reason!
// Natural Ginger Tummydrops
Another thing to try if you are experiencing nausea. Ginger is a great tummy settler. Double up with these and the preggie drops if you have to!
// Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint essential oil has been a lifesaver for me for years because I get bad motion sickness, especially in the car. But it got so much worse with my first pregnancy. I had to be the driver everywhere I went otherwise I was toast. I kept it on me at all times whether I was in the car or not. Sometimes taking off the cap and inhaling the smell was all I needed to feel better. A little goes a long way and will last you a while.
Those are my first trimester Amazon pregnancy essentials my friends! Honestly, there are so many other things out there you may need during your first trimester because everyone is different and every body is different. So I recommend scouring blogs and Amazon for the tried and true recommendations of other mamas that have had similar experiences! Their insight and knowledge was so helpful for me and I’m excited to carry the torch for others.
Check out my other #momlife posts linked below. Stay tuned for 2nd and 3rd trimester Amazon essential lists to come in the next few weeks 🙂
- Second Trimester Amazon Pregnancy Essentials
- Third Trimester Amazon Pregnancy Essentials
- Baby Registry Tips: What You Don’t Need
- Baby Registry Must Haves
- Best Summer Toys & Gear For A One Year Old
- Buffalo Plaid Woodland Nursery Inspiration
- Amazon Christmas Gifts For Mom-To-Be
Some of the links included in this post are affiliate links. View my full disclosure policy for more details.
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