You may be thinking this post is a little random and out of the norm based on the majority of my posts that relate to affordable beauty! What do Christmas gifts for mom-to-be have anything to do with that? And you would be right! It’s definitely random and don’t worry, there are plenty more beauty posts to come. But I thought this would be a fun shopping guide to put together considering we have some excited news to share….
WE ARE PREGNANT and bursting with joy! Nate and I are thrilled to share our news and are so thankful that we will get to be parents to this wonderful little baby! This is our first child so we are completely diving headfirst into the world parenting. And let me tell you….it’s overwhelming to say the least! Being pregnant has already given me so much more of an appreciation for moms and dads, grandparents, etc! Raising a child might be one of the biggest responsibilities we will ever have but I know it will all work and and be worth it. When you are starting something new, you don’t know what you’re doing at first but eventually figure it out 😉
Here is our pregnancy announcement photo we shared online! I took some inspiration from Pinterest and did a little DIY set up. It turned out so cute! I also designed the onesie myself and had it printed a local shop in town.
I’m due at the end of March so I’m right around the half-way mark now! I’m feeling kicks and my belly is growing so things definitely feel like they’ve picked up speed. If you want to know how my first trimester went and my thoughts and feelings about it, leave me a comment and I would be happy to do a dedicated post for it!
Anywho…back to the shopping guide. Being a mom-to-be myself now, I thought it would be fun to browse Amazon and create a Christmas Gifts for Mom-To-Be shopping guide! I’ve just started putting together my registry and it got me thinking of Christmas. I think all of these gifts would be fun to give a mom-to-be, new mom, 2nd 3rd or 4th time mom etc! These may not be things the average person would put on their registry so that’s why I think they would be perfect for gift-giving around the holidays!
Products with links included:
// C Shape Full Body Pregnancy Pillow w/Jersey Cover
// Milestone Baby Blanket this is a gender neutral option but there are plenty of gender specific options on Amazon with fun freebies and accessories included
// Baby Milestone stickers (Set of 20)
// Bio-Oil I’ve heard great things about this oil for preventing stretch marks so I picked some up a while back and I’m excited to try it! But you can use the oil for so much more than that so don’t feel weird about gifting it…any mom-to-be will appreciate trying it out!
UPDATE: I used it during my whole pregnancy and went through about 1.5 bottles of the larger size (linked above). I really liked it and do think it helped! I did get stretch marks at the veeeery end of my pregnancy right at the bottom of my belly. But honestly, they were minimal and in a very inconspicuous place. I think the oil helped prevent more from popping up in other areas. I also used a belly butter in conjunction with the bio oil every time.
// Bump Box Gift Box  – pick from a 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester box with fun and appropriate goodies included with each.
// Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter
All these gifts are ones I would love getting so I’m sure any mom-to-be would feel the same! I would love any advice or recommendations from any fellow moms out there if you want to share. Leave me a comment with your favorite product or pregnancy life-saver that you couldn’t live without! I’m all ears and still learning day by day so would love any input 🙂
Some of the links included in this post are affiliate links. View my full disclosure policy for more details.
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